Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So. Tired.

It takes an incredible force of will to try to penetrate the force fields that students have created to keep knowledge of English Composition out of their brains. I will have nightmares about blank stares and dismissive attitudes. The effort it takes to battle their lack of interest after I've battled my lack of interest all day at work is just too much. And tomorrow, I must face the incessant ringing of telephones. (I'm feeling very melodramatic today, can you tell?) If I'm not shipped off to the crazy house sometime tomorrow afternoon, I'll check back.


Anonymous said...

You need a beer after work(s). Here...let me buy you one.

Freya said...

I’ll take you up on that. I’ll need one after tonight’s class.

Amenator said...

F---Can we meet BEFORE class sometime? :)