Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh Lord Won’t you Buy me….

And if you’re Wall Street Fat Cat, don’t worry, Lord will buy you a Mercedes Benz, and a portfolio package, a 3rd home in the Hamptons, and a golden parachute for when you’ve run your company into the ground. And where does Lord get this money? Why from his loyal subjects the tax payers of course. Silly little peons. They are not worthy of cloud Olympus. They merely toil in the dirt and owe us everything.

Whatever! I’m so sick of this Republican attitude that they’re better then everyone.

How about instead of this trickle down crap which hasn’t worked once, not since Regan’s brain team dreamed it up, why don’t we try some trickle up economics?

For example, lets take a random number, say $700 billion? We could giver all 300 million Americans $2,333.33. Or we could give everyone who pays taxes (16 and above and only contributing tax payers) about $3,500 each. Or we could have a lotto and 700,000 lucky Americans (with the stipulations that their HHI be less than $250,000 per year and only 1 winner per house hold) could win $1million each. I would be happy with any and all of these trickle up rescue packages.

I am NOT for any package that rewards criminal behavior, that takes away the consequences of risk, or subjects innocent people to be responsible for the mistakes of others.

I can’t believe President Bush is asking us to trust him with $700 billion? Seriously? For what? To buy WMDs? Oh no wait that was the last debacle.

And I’m sorry but who is Henry Paulson? Show of hands for anyone who has heard of him before last week? Bueler, Bueler? Right, and we should trust him why? His credentials are what? Like the first FEMA guy? Does he come from Arabian Horse something? Just checking.

And just another thought to ponder, show of hands who knew someone affected by Katrina? Ike? Floods earlier this summer? Yep, me too, I know someone for all those natural disasters. Ok, now show of hands who knows someone who can’t get a car/mortgage/student loan now? Bueler, Bueler? Yeah, that’s what I thought. And again for anyone who knows anyone who is losing their job if this free money to rich people bill doesn’t get passed? Anyone? Bueler, Bueler? Uh huh. Just as I suspected. Ok, so the plan is to spend $700billion on what affecting who and we only spent how much combined on natural disaster? Mmm…hmmm.. I’m just saying.


Anonymous said...

This is sort of a side note, but I keep hearing about people giving out millions of dollars, and I'm straining to conceive of a plan where I can get someone to donate $60,000 to pay off my student loan.

Freya said...

I'm sure you could work it off, lol.