Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's a Kind of Magic

This morning was like Christmas morning. It was even more exciting than Christmas morning, because Christmas has become about the children, and while it is fun to watch, I don’t get that same tingly excitement that I got when I was a child.

This morning was like running to the tree, as I went to the polls at 6:50 a.m. and stood in the cold wind at the end of a long line. I didn’t care about the cold. I ignored the polite conversation of the people around me. I was focused.

I realized this morning that I was being given a special gift today. I have been voting since 2000. In 1996, it was Clinton, and the world seemed stable, and politics unimportant. This is the first time as a voting adult that I am voting in an election without W. The first time that I won’t see Bush inexplicably win an election. The first time that I think my vote will lead to real, positive change in the nation.

I blissfully cast my vote today. On NPR, a woman described her voting experience as “enchanting.” There is magic in the air today. Today there is the possibility of the impossible; a premonition of what we can be.


Anonymous said...

I'M SO EXCITED!!!! And um...why are abortion and same-sex marriage still issues? Is this not 2008?

Erin Williams said...

I love you all and am so happy that Barack is president. However I must make myself Debbie Downer and point out that none of our votes counted. As Chutah point out, it's 2008 and we still don't have a fair election system a.k.a. the popular vote. We could have avoided the first 4 years of the past 8 years of horror is we had a fair election. Soon I will unleash my plan to take over the vote and make it FAIR.