Last night I dreamed that I was visiting a big city on my own. I was at a conference or some gathering. This isn't much different than my reality, as I travel a lot, often to conferences, or for something related to adventure. And often I travel on my own. In this dream I was dressed sharp, was confident and didn't know exactly where I was going, but I was content with the meandering.
In the dream, there were some men chasing me with the intent to kidnap me. My good friend John appeared in the dream and tried to waylay them as I hid, but ultimately couldn't do much to stop them. I ended up in a small town in Texas, where I was looking for help from some people. I went to the video store, the gas station, the grocery, and the men who owned these places all looked at me as if the men who were chasing me in the city could see me through their eyes.
I have a good idea of where the dream comes from. In reality, I'm very independent. In fact, I'm planning a trip to Kenya, and I'm going on my own. I do all my own home repair, and grow my own food. I do most everything by myself, but I don't feel alone because I've got the world to keep me company.
I also walk around feeling very sharp and attractive, and the conference, well...one major personal characteristic is that I'm very involved, and I'm an idea person who gets off when people are attracted to my ideas.
In the dream, 99% of the men were bad guys, who I had work to avoid. I was fearful as to what would happen if they got a hold of me.
This is also similar to my experience. I've never felt so confident, attractive, energetic and creative as I've been since I made the decision to remain single. I like being by myself, walking confidently in heels and a suit like I owned the place. But in relationships with men, I haven't been able to embrace that freedom. Other than a few special men in my life, relationships with men have robbed me from being the big badass lady I'm capable of being. Their chasing me is to harm me....by taking away my freedom. They want me so they can harm me.
I just told my Dad and sister last night that I don't want to get married...I have too many interests (including love interests :) and there's no room in my world for negotiation. I take up too much space in my life to let any minor worm work its way in. I have brilliant love for my Dad, my grandma and brother and sister, and my friends, and that love is what reciprocates. That love is everything that matters in the world.
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