Friday, August 29, 2008

Field of Dreams

I watched Barack Obama speak last night. It was an incredibly moving experience. He had an excellent speech, and he is an excellent speaker, and his words inspired hope in me. Hope, in my little black pessimistic heart. I didn't really think it possible.

But the thing that I thought was the most important, is his genuine emotional response to the crowd as he stepped out on the stage in a football field filled with 85,000 people cheering his name. (If he was acting, he's damn good, and I don't want to know.) Looking at his face, I could see that this moment was the realization of a dream. And not just a dream for him, but a dream for millions of other people. He recognized the importance of the moment, and took a moment to take it all in. It was the best thing I have ever seen in a presidential election. Maybe that's why he inspires me to hope.


Anonymous said...

I feel the same way. I lost respect for the US presidency eight years ago. Now everything that happens in the executive branch of the federal govt is just a big sad joke to me. But I have a ton of hope that that changes with this next election. I hope the voting majority will make me proud of saying I'm a US citizen when I travel overseas, instead of "Soy de los Estados Unidos. No he votado por él!"

Erin Williams said...

Yeah, I seriously don't want to move to Canada. Or have to run women to Canada or Mexico. This election is going to be tense. Sigh. How did so many crazies end up in this country?