Friday, August 29, 2008

Hottest new political accessory

I was anxiously awaiting McCain's announcement for VP pick. I came into the breakroom, on CNN they had a headline about him picking Palin. In my geeky way, I thought that Michael Palin would be a very funny choice--they could recreate the fish-slapping dance on the White House lawn. But seriously, I thought he had picked a generic white male to complement his generic white maleness.

Then they said Sarah, and showed a picture of an attractive brunette striding with purpose across a field somewhere. A woman? Like, with a vagina and everything? Really? Do they know she has a vagina?

Guess what ladies? We're the hottest new political accessory. Soon no presidential campaign will not be complete without the token woman trailing behind the president. It is a clever tactic. One designed to sway legions of women that wanted to vote for Hilary, women who want to see a woman hold the highest office in the land.

Here's a hint for you fellas: we're not that stupid. You can't throw a woman whose only experience has been two years as governor in a distant state, put her in position that can potentially have little or no influence and expect us to rush to you side. Also, he's risking alienating all those devout conservatives who don't want the frat party to end. I hope McCain enjoys his token vagina, because he's going to be losing with her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A-fucking-MEN!! I second that! And I was actually going to blog about it myself. I just got back from San Francisco: I was in my hotel room getting ready to go to the conference...watching Rachel Ray and combing my hair. The show was suddenly interrupted by McCain's talking head. When he announced a gal for his VP pick, I had some pretty mixed feelings. Mostly that What the Fuck?? feeling.

In the following days I saw news commentators asking if women who supported Hilary would now move over to the GOP side. No. No, no, no, and no. Because women don't support Hilary because she's a woman...they support her because she's intelligent.

Sarah Palin = not so much. Who are these ass holes who think women are going to vote for women because they're women?

Then my boyfriend diverted my anger by telling me about this ("will you just stop overloading my lady brain?"):

MIKE: can you make the following link that's know, where it turns blue and you can click on it to get to the video?