Monday, August 25, 2008

Coffee Talk

I need to know the theory behind the attitudes of the cashiers at Starbucks. I’m in the drive through this morning, I need coffee desperately. The window girl chirps something at me, and I nod, anyone who knows me knows that I’m not awake yet. She tells me it will be just a minute, in her most bright and chipper voice, and then proceeds to ask me how I’m doing. I’m not a morning person, I want to glare at her and tell her that I don’t like small talk at the best of times, and seven in the morning is not my best time. Instead, I humor her, it’s her job. Then she asks me how my morning is going, to which I reply “blehh.” (not awake) Then how my weekends was, which was “fine.” (the coffee fumes must have been working, I was regaining speech) Then she says she doesn’t know any jokes and wants me to tell her some. The look I gave her must have told her that I don’t know any jokes at seven in the morning, at least none that don’t involve angry mobs and Starbucks Baristas.

Seriously, a company whose stock and trade is people who aren’t yet awake, why in the world would they ask these people to torture us so? Please, quietly hand over the coffee and back away.


Anonymous said...

This made me LOL, as they say! So true. I'm a raging bitch in the mornings. Until about nine:thirty am, I want to chase everyone I see through a forest with a chainsaw.

Erin Williams said...

Yeah, it’s pretty much an epidemic. My friend who manages a Starbucks totally has this problem. Like you, she is soft spoken, sensible, calm. But while she was doing her Manager training she was under a manager much like the Barista you described. He was often very disappointed she was not more like him. It seems that Starbucks is out to have a staff made entirely of Tigers – bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! I’m not sure what this has to do with customer service or good coffee but it is annoying.

Too bad you hadn’t had any sleep or you could have told her this joke:
Why can’t scientist map the human Genome? (which they have) Because their microniscopes (I just made that up) still have a missing link. (this was all utter nonsense.) And then when she doesn’t laugh you can say some something like “not much into Physics eh?” (Nothing to do with Physics.) OMG! That is sooooo freakin’ hysterical! I crack myself up!!! Wait, what were we talking about again?