Tuesday, December 16, 2008

free audiobooks, hippies!

Librivox, free audiobooks in the public domain recorded by the common people—If that’s not modern hippie commune material, I don’t know what is.

I’m currently listening to Fanny Hill: The Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. It is something that we talked about in grad school, but I never got a chance to read. You know it is relevant to my interests.

The fun thing about the hippie commune recordings is that you have a wide variety of voices reading the books, even with the same book. For this book, the first reader is Chip, from Tampa. He sounds like he should be reading for MovieFone. What’s even better about this is that he has a really deep voice, and the book is written from the perspective of Fanny herself, so phrases like “my innocence” and “when I was a girl” are read by a guy you know is a bass in the barbershop quartet. The payoff is in part two, when a guy with a very sexy British accent picks up the reading. I’m not to part three, but I sampled it, and it is a woman. She sounds blond and bubbly. We’ll see how it works out.

And this is some pretty hot stuff, or I’m deprived or have a thing for archaic language. I may finally get my wish for a bizarre little kink.


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