Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shuffle, Part Two

I went to Wikipedia for the main character’s name in Shuffle, and so much was explained. The author has listed it as “your typical harem romance.” I had no idea that such a thing existed, but sign me up. Just make sure I’m the harem master, not just a member. I also discovered that it is based on a Japanese “dating simulator.” This makes sense. The whole plot of the show is him being pursued by women, being the passive party while they take him underwear shopping, pick out special underwear to wear on dates, parade around in swimsuits, and get naked whenever possible.

For those of you who haven’t played such a simulator, it is just that. With the major exception that you play the role of the boy, and you are actively seeking some love (if you know what I mean). There is usually a cast of women for your choosing: a teacher, an innocent, a tease, a bookworm, sporty spice, someone with cat ears. There are several women for your choosing, some more difficult to “date” and others that are easy (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). There are obstacles to your wooing—so many hours in a day, a limit to the number of days, you have to keep your grades up. But your main goal is to get laid. I mean, “date.” As you successfully woo your lady friends, you are rewarded with manga style drawings of what base you made it to, leading up to the moment when you actually get a girl into bed, when you get a drawing of what that looks like. Kind of like Leisure Suit Larry, but you have to study.

So it’s an anime based on a computer “dating simulator” in which the horny teen has been recast as the virtuous prince. He just can’t help it if the women follow him around. By the way, if you’re interested in playing a simulator, there are some free “dating simulators” available for download, and some of the translations into English are intentionally hilarious. Bonus entertainment value.

1 comment:

Amenator said...

Sorta like the "Mystery Date" board game from a 100 years ago...for boys! ;)

I would play it! LOL! ;)