Saturday, November 1, 2008

You know you're too drunk to post when

you can't remember your password. So I totally pass the test. It took me a couple of tries to get it, but I made it. I had something important to post. Let's see.

I didn't get much play, (oh yeah, went to a party) but I got drunk, was offered tequila and a ride to another party by a guy in a sombrero, and the host showed me a card trick, while being all over me.

My sister made me stop drinking and come home (bless her little soul) but once I came home, I thought to myself, why can't you have a man who appreciates a drunk bitch, and wants to watch MST3k and cartoons, and wants to fuck.

I'm currently trying to soak up the alcohol and watching space ghost, too numb to feel much of anything.


Anonymous said...

I'll assist you in your next drinking activities

p.s. I heard that weasels are very absorbent, and do well with soaking up alcohol.

Erin Williams said...

Mmm... nothing like a good weasel.

Have you ever thought of going home to someone else's husband? I'm sure he'd love to watch cartoons and do it at the same time. But that's because his wife isn't into that kind of thing.

Hey! You should totally do wife swap!