Friday, October 10, 2008

no father figure, please...

If you are over 40, please don’t apply. Yes, I thank you for the complements and I am glad you think I am so cute and funny but I really am not interested. Hey, I think it is great that you are 51 and you want to try to woo this 31 year old woman and have the self esteem to do it...however, I am not looking for a father figure (I have a dad) nor would I like to care for you during the prime of my life when you are drawing social security (again, I take care of my dad)...but, not going to happen. You are old enough to be my dad...not into all nor having step children around my age...
I know it is probably crazy to limit my dating age to under 40 but I can’t help it. Call me crazy, but I need to be with someone who matured around the same time I did and isn’t an overgrown child. If you know about things I did during High School in your 50s, you are an overgrown child.
I wish you the best of luck on your pursuits. I am not going to be one of them.


Anonymous said...

I like older guys because they tend to be more mature than the dumbasses who are my age. I need a MAN! HAHA!

Erin Williams said...

I'm gonna have to go with Chutah on this one, I wouldn't give some guy my age serious consideration. Boys are fun, but men are better. Remember men mature 7 years slower then women so a guy who is 38 is technicaly the same age, 40 makes him 2 years older. But 50 is too old and creepy. Unless he is Sean Conery.