Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Crazy Train

Crazy Train – it’s a good classic rock song and a scary Republican Presidential Ticket.

Seriously? Old crazy white guy and younger crazy white girl? I love how they’ve (the Republicans) taken two crazies from both ends of the spectrum. Old guy who is crazy and smart enough to pass as sane some of the time, and younger girl who is just plane coocoo for coco puffs.

Examples of crazy:

Old guy: Racist Name calling, doesn’t believe women are people, thinks that drilling oil off shore will magically reduce the price of gas, I’m sure there are many more examples, these are just the few that come to mind.

Young girl: Nazi who wants to ban books from libraries, would allow/ make her 17 year old daughter to marry the father of her unborn child, doesn’t believe women are people even though she appears to be one, either got on a plane in labor for a 12 hour ride or covered up her daughter’s first pregnancy; either way = crazy, thinks that drilling oil off shore will magically reduce the price of gas; I’m sure there are waaaaaay more of these to come. I can’t wait, maybe by the end of the campaign she’ll be heavily medicated or just committed.

Ok, now some of you might point out that you have to be crazy to be a Republican anyway, and I’ll give you that. You have to be able to suspend your belief in science and all things logical, so that the world centers around you, which ultimately changes the way gravity works. But that is normal crazy. I argue that these two are truly on a Crazy Train. I guess this election will show us if the majority of the Electoral College is also crazy.

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