Saturday, August 16, 2008

Attention Straight People

And I'm not referring to straight Vixens, because there aren't any. Just kidding. The Vixens are an open-minded group. As a straight person, I just want to point something out: gay marriage is not the end of the world. I keep reading news stories about people fighting gay marriage, and I just don't get it. I don't get the whole anti-gay stance as a whole, but when it comes to marriage it boggles my mind for a few reasons.

1. Basing the argument on the bible. The bible says a lot of things. It is a historical document created by people. Besides, it is a product of its time. Say you're an early Christian, being persecuted and gettin ass kickings on a regular basis. You're going to want to encourage your people to procreate as much as possible to swell the ranks and strengthen your position. That only makes sense. In this era of overcrowding and population explosion, it doesn't seem to apply.

2. Thinking that marriage is especially for straight people. Straight people are the chosen ones, apparently, because this social institution was created for one man, one woman. Get over yourselves. Just because another group enjoys a similar experience, it doesn't cheapen that experience. How does the marriage of two men or two women change the definition of your own straight relationship?

3. Marriage is sacrosanct. Sure, marriage is great, because it is the ultimate in long-term commitment. Yeah, it's been around a long time. But it's not the only way to live. It's a social institution that serves a purpose in our society, like government or taxes.

Listen up haters, stop being drama queens and move on.


Erin Williams said...

Look, it’s like this, you just can’t “argue” about gay marriage. We can all agree upon one fact, and that is that marriage is based upon LOVE. You either get that marriage is a personal commitment between two people who LOVE or five people who LOVE each other or you are crazy. And when I say you are crazy, I mean it. There is no logic in opposing arguments, none. I dare someone to come up with some logical reason why marriage not be between a man and man and woman who love other. Please, if there is one out there I’d LOVE to hear it.

Personally I don’t think the government should have any business in marriage. It is none of their business who you live with, who you love or what your family structure is. As long as you pay your taxes, your kids get a good education and enough to eat, and nobody is hurting anybody, who cares?

Can’t people just love each other?

Chutah said...
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